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Continual Improvement

The Newport Ski Swap is hosted by the Newport High School Parent Teachers Association. We have been at this many years there is constant change at the school, facilities, people, philosophy and more. In addition the PTA bylaws require that all leadership positions are for 2 years causing another set of people and philosophy changes. We have a continual set of students coming and going. This coupled with the vagaries of the economy and the potential snowfall cause other challenges for us.

The swap itself has been blessed with a set of parents, some of them former PTA officers, that have stuck with the swap 5, 10, 15 and more years. I myself started with the swap in 1991 and began leading it in 1993. In 1991, it grossed $20,262. Last we we grossed $568,000, 47.8% higher than the previous year.

On the up side, those of us that continue year after year with the swap help stabilize process and systems from the massive amount of change and learning that happens each year. I point this all out to help you understand the huge challenges we face every with this giant event.

Through all this, I have tried to systemically apply the lessons that I had learned in my many years at the The Boeing Company where I developed, managed and supported a number of very large processes, systems and organizations.

Again this year, we have the normal business startup and management as well as additional process and system change with many new people involved. We will again try to make the swap the very best experience for our buyers, sellers, volunteers and the school that hosts us. As always there will be challenges. Feel free to offer positive advice and also thanks to the many volunteers trying to help you.

Thanks for your support and for bringing your friends and family to swap year after years. Thanks for the many suggestions and positive comments to over the years. You are also welcome to volunteer to help us make this the best swap ever.


Don Meyer, Swap Committee Chair

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