Swap Volunteer Registration 2023
We need many volunteers, students & parents - Volunteer Flyer
(Thu 60+, Fri 100+, Sat 75+, Sun 40+)
The Swap provides much of the PTSA funds ~ Every student benefits in some way
Contribute to the school, meet people, and have a ton of fun! 2016 Stats
** Students earn community service hours **
Open the Volunteer Summary (2022) to see the Jobs, Shifts & Estimated Need
Students - Enter hours and volunteer form pdf into Naviance. (Instructions)
After your last swap shift, the Volunteer Coordinator will sign you form.
Take a picture of it just in case you lose the paper form.
Karen Rhatigan (skiswapvolunteers@newportptsa.org) is the supervisor.
All jobs are simple and require zero snowsports or ski swap experience.
When you report in, you will meet your shift leader who will provide training.
Job Descriptions ( PDF ) | Volunteer Days-Times ( PDF )
Training Documents (PDF)
| Orientation | TakeAway | Setup | Cashiers | Invoice Print | Gear Tagging |
*NEW* Gear Check-In Training Videos *NEW*
Parent Volunteer Leader Meeting is Tuesday, Oct 3, 7-8 pm, NHS Library
Overview of the key roles, tasks and issues
Volunteer Orientation (Student & Parents) is Thur, Nov 2, 7-8 pm, NHS Library
Overview of the key roles, tasks and issues and also cashier training
Recommended for new volunteers, a volunteer hour is given to attendees
Filling out the "Volunteer Time" form will:
1. Allow you to sign up for specific jobs on specific days/times
2. Provide a confirmation of what you signed up for
3. Allow you to later change what you signed up for
4. Provide notification of what you signed up for 4 days before the swap
SignUpGenius FAQs