Newport High School, Bellevue (Factoria), Washington.
4333 Factoria Blvd. (128th Ave) SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
We have a very large 20,000+ sq foot dual gym facility plus another 8,000 sq feet in the school Commons for Gear Check-In, Cashiers and Snow Sports booths! We have thousands of inventory items neatly arranged. We have experienced technicians (45+) from many local snowsport shops as well as professional ski and snowboard instructors to assist your purchases.
Swap Sale Entry is through the central School Commons, enter either on the east or west side of the school.
Park in the west, northeast, east or southeast parking lots. The Flagpole turn-around is for dropoff and pickup ONLY. It is also a fire lane. However the marked parking spots across from (east) of the Flagpole can be used.
Gear Check-In is in the south end of the central Commons Friday and Saturday.
Closest Access is the West parking.
Google Map | Site | School Buildings | Main Gym | Auxiliary Gym | Cashiers | Gear Check-In | Gear Pick-Up | Vol Food
West parking lot accessed from 124th Ave SE. East parking lot accessed from Factoria Blvd.