Pricing Guidelines
Guidelines, definitely not rules! **Individual Gear Examples**
Used gear, even in very nice shape is worth less than you think it should be. Skis, boots, snowboards lose 1/2 of its value each year. $400>200>100. Bottom for good gear is $40-$50. There will be brand spanking new middle-of-road gear for ~$200.
Clothing loses approximately 3/4 of its value the first year. $400>100>50. Bottom is $20-$30. There will be brand new middle-of-road gear for ~$100.
When you price it, remember that the Swap consignment fee is 25%.
You never know exactly what someone will pay for gear but ask yourself what you might be willing to pay. Set it to 10-15% less than you would be willing to pay.
Important Question: Do you want it back if it does not sell for a specific price?
* Set it to the least price that you are willing to take. -
The corollary: Do you want it gone to a new appreciative owner?
* Price it 20-30% less than you think you would pay. -
Sometimes things that we do not expect to sale does because it is the just right deal for someone.
Some swap customers know gear and know what the right price is.
Some great gear at a great price is still there at the end of the swap because the right person did not see it.
We sell around 70% of the used gear.
If it is dirty, ripped, or smells? * It will not sell... CLEAN IT or don't bring it.
- Most people know a bit about the technology behind the gear but do not recognize the high end gear as you generally can not see the difference.
* If it is high end, attach a card describing the value.
You have to decide whether you want to risk having it in the garage again
or if you are willing to take a bit less than you hoped for but have it enjoyed by someone else.